Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The American electorate has placed a bet. It is betting: That Obama will burnish the image of America in the eyes of the world, that he will pull America out of its economic crisis, and that the President Elect will lead the nation into a new era of change. Peering through the Obama enigma, there is a very real ray of light that may bring energy to the turn-around, however temporarily. A majority of taxpayers await with hope the revelation of the “change” definition in the Obama encyclopedia, although fear continues to permeate the country, and bad news persists in dominating the news.

The world witnessed an international reaction to the U.S. election of its first African American President. Most Americans, including many who voted for McCain, could not help but be touched by the event, and most were inevitably moved by the possibility that “hope” might find traction, though much of that hope rose from weariness and disappointment rooted in a failed 43rd Presidency.

Populations in Asia, Europe, Africa and even in the Middle East, genuinely applauded the event, and demonstrated a new support for possibilities available in the American society, polity and economy. Most countries around the world envy such freedoms, and many were stirred with a refreshed affirmation of America’s glassless ceiling. Obviously many of those countries also look to America as a source of capital coming from purchase of their products and resources. A few also procure loans for America’s expenditures.

The “goodwill” generated from the Obama election presents America with a window of time during which it will be able to further extend its borrowing practice from countries holding significant dollar reserves. America remains the only safe haven for cash. The Obama Presidency will find that extending the portent of “hope” beyond the borders of the United States could provide the Treasury an additional trillion dollars in borrowed funds with which to structure a turn-around for the world’s largest economy. The care, diligence, boldness and intelligence with which Obama allocates the country’s newfound capital will dictate the length and depth of the current recession. The window provided by this goodwill may be opened only temporarily. We will watch as he attempts to deliver on his promises, but the real “hope” is that he will use this window to dramatically energize the economic engine much of the world depends on.

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